2 Key Zoom Interview Strategies that Guarantee Success

Claris K
4 min readJan 25, 2022
Photo by Anna Shvet from Pexels

Everyone wants a job interview to go well. However, interviews can be stressful, even if you’re not a nervous person. It helps to have a strategy for how you want the interview to go.

You must give a good impression during the Zoom interview as you would in any other. A good impression is vital when being interviewed if you want to get a call back.

Why Use Zoom for Interviews?

Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels

Zoom is an on-demand video conferencing platform that allows you to meet with clients and co-workers from anywhere in the world.

Zoom Interviews will enable you to meet one-on-one with anyone, regardless of location.

Stick around to understand amazing interview strategies that guarantee success.

Conduct Adequate Research

It would be best to carry out all the background research regarding the company and the job you are interviewing for.

1. The Company

Begin by visiting the company website and their social media platforms. Pay attention to critical highlights, significant events or recent successes.

Background research gives you meaningful questions to ask the panel during your interview.

It is essential to determine the company dress code beforehand to ensure you have dressed appropriately for the interview. If not sure, always go for a smart casual look.

Image from Pixabay

2. Job Description

You should read and understand the job description beforehand to see how you can demonstrate your job ability.

Ensure a Foolproof Interview Platform

Photo by Moses Londo from Pexels

A foolproof platform entails making sure you leave no room for errors. Key areas to check on include the below:

1. Laptop and Internet

Ensure that you have a working computer with the best operational internet speed. Ensure your computer is fully charged and that all applications are updated and silenced.

Ensure you have a backup electricity and internet supply if the power goes off during your interview.

2. Zoom Application

If this will be your first zoom interview, you need to ensure that you install the application on your computer and make sure it is well updated. This is to ensure that you do not encounter any issues during the meeting time.

This article by Time Doctor can teach you how to use Zoom. Organize a mock zoom meeting beforehand with your a friend of family who understand the application to test your knowledge.

3. Interview Room

You need to ensure your household knows that you shall have an interview to ensure they provide space and silence.

Clear the room and make sure that your background is free of anything that would distract your interviewers.

Test out different positions to sit that ensure adequate lighting. It would be quite unfortunate when your interviewers tell you they cannot see or hear you. Once you start adjusting your sitting position, it will take away from your precious interview time.

Zoom Interviews Need Not Be Stressful

Photo by Ola Dapo from Pexels

Do not forget to follow up after your interview by thanking the hiring manager for their time and letting them know how excited you are about the opportunity.

Don’t let a poor performance in a kick-off meeting cost you the job you want. Prepare well by doing your research and testing your platforms.

Be on time and not too early for the zoom meeting as you may interrupt another interview in progress.

Never be late for an interview.

By applying these key strategies, you can avoid common mistakes that may hinder your success in a zoom interview.

Originally published at https://musingsbyclaris.blogspot.com on January 25, 2022.



Claris K

I love writing, it is such a beautiful outlet. Here to share with you my journey of finding writing, being a trailing spouse in Cambodia, and autism mom.