100 followers, can it really be done? Let’s find out.

Claris K
3 min readDec 11, 2021
Photo by Luis Morera on Unsplash

I have finally bowed to my self inflicted pressure and begun the quest of seeking 100 followers. I honestly didn’t think I could do it, put myself out there like this. It feels liberating to allow myself to be vulnerable. Who would have thought?

Everything has gone by so fast, from the day I created my account to later publishing my first story. At the time of posting this, I already have 21 followers. I’m so grateful for those 21 people who have followed this writing newbie.

Maybe I need to say a little about myself. I am a newbie writer on Medium. I started writing a few months ago after moving back home to Kenya after living in Cambodia-South East Asia. My family lived in Cambodia for four years.

During our time in Cambodia, I changed so much as I had to make so many life adjustments. After working for nine years in Kenya, I resigned from my corporate job to become a stay-at-home mum when we moved to Cambodia. Leaving my well-paying job to stay home has been one of the most challenging but bravest things I have ever done. It inspired me to start writing as an outlet to share all I learnt about myself and life while living in a foreign country.

I write about my random life musings and being a mama of two boys, one who is atypical. I am looking forward to sharing stories about our life in Cambodia and all the adventures our family experienced.

Today, I have gone through many articles talking about “follow for follow” or “ how to get to 100 followers”. I sat back and wondered, am I the only one sitting here not willing to ask for follow backs? All these writers are just like me, hungry to put ourselves out there and get recognition for our craft and passion. I mean, who wouldn’t want that?

I’m glad I joined Medium. This platform has given me the courage to come out of my shell and do something I never thought I would do. Like begging for follows.

After an intense internal battle, I have decided to try this 100 followers strategy. I’m the kind of person who struggles with asking for assistance. However, just sitting and waiting will not take me where I want to be as a writer on Medium.

I am willing to follow everyone who gives me the honour of following me. We newbies working together can we take our writing to the next level. Follow me to read more of my stories.

I once saw a quote that said, “ what would you do if you were not afraid?” So to any other newbie writer like me who is still afraid of asking for follows to reach and surpass the 100 mark, take it from me; what exactly is the worst thing that can happen? It is incredible how much we can accomplish when we work together.

Looking forward to reaching and surpassing the 100 follows mark. I know I can do it with your help. Let’s go, let’s get it. Help this newbie out.



Claris K

I love writing, it is such a beautiful outlet. Here to share with you my journey of finding writing, being a trailing spouse in Cambodia, and autism mom.